Color Palette

Brand Palette

To use the colours in this palette, use the palette("palette",value) map. (e.g. palette("primary",500) for #4b71fc).

Primary Secondary Tertiary Accent
50 #edf1ff #ebebec #f1f8fe #eee6f9
100 #dbe3fe #d7d6d9 #e3f1fc #dcccf3
200 #b7c6fe #aeadb3 #c7e2f8 #b999e6
300 #93aafd #86848c #abd3f5 #9566da
400 #6f8dfd #5d5b66 #8fc4f1 #7233cd
500 #4b71fc #34313f #72b5ed #4e00c0
600 #3e5ed6 #2b2935 #5f97c9 #4100a3
700 #334caf #23212b #4d7aa5 #350086
800 #273a8a #1b1922 #3b5c82 #280069
900 #1b2763 #121118 #293f5d #1c004c

Basic Palette

These palettes only have one value, which means you can use the palette("color") map with one parameter. The default value for our palette map is 500.

White Black
500 #fff #000

Grey Palette

To use the colours in this palette, use the palette("grey",value) map. For the alternate palette, prefix the value with an "a" (e.g. palette("grey",a500) for #919596).

Grey Alternate
50 #fbfbfc #f4f5f5
100 #f6f7f9 #e9eaea
200 #edeff3 #d3d5d5
300 #e4e7ed #bdc0c0
400 #dbdfe7 #a7abab
500 #d1d7e0 #919596
600 #afb4be #797d7f
700 #8e919c #626568
800 #6d6e7a #4b4c52
900 #4c4b58 #34343b

States Palette

To use the colours in this palette, use the palette("palette",value) map. (e.g. palette("success", 500) for #65c96d). Prefix your value with "a" for alternate values (e.g. palette("warning", a600) for #f1b900.

Success Error Warning
50 #f0faf1 #fef0ec #fefbec
100 #e1f5e2 #fce0d8 #fdf6d9
200 #c2eac5 #f9c0b1 #faecb2
300 #a3dfa8 #f6a08a #f8e28b
400 #84d48b #f38063 #f5d864
500 #65c96d #f0603c #f2ce3d
600 #5baa64 #cb563d #ccae3d (Alt: #f1b900)
700 #518c5b #a54d3e #a68f3e (Alt: #f1a500)
800 #486e51 #80443e #80703e (Alt: #f19100)
900 #3e5048 #5a3b3f #5a513f (Alt: #f17c00)

Order Status Colors

You can call these using the color("orderStatus","value") function. E.g. color("orderStatus", "awaitingFulfilment") returns #6eccfc.

awaitingFulfilment #6eccfc
awaitingPayment #ff8800
awaitingPickup #b186cb
awaitingShipment #ca2f3a
cancelled #3c4043
completed #95db89
declined #955831
disputed #9960ff
partiallyShipped #3e62a1
pending #acb4be
shipped #95db89
refunded #ffb800
verificationRequired #e89fae