
Standard cards

Example card image

Mailchimp Email Marketing

From $9.99 / month

Example card image
Includes 4 iterations

20% Off First Design Project

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You can optionally add an anchor tag, wrapping the .card-image class (See the first card for an example).

Cards share styles from the containers SCSS map.

Cards with figcaption overlay

Example card image

Card title

This card shows an action on hover

Example card image

Lorem ipsum dolor set amet some more jibberish...

20% Off First Design Project

Custom Designs

Be seen by customers at the very moment that they are searching on Google for the things you offer.

Example card image

Card title

Lorem ipsum dolor set amet some more jibberish...

Mailchimp Email Marketing

From $9.99 / month


The button used in the figcaption overlay has its own card specific class to adjust the styling.

The figcaption content is middle aligned and can house any text.

Cards with clickable figcaption

Example card image
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20% Off First Design Project

Custom Designs

Be seen by customers at the very moment that they are searching on Google for the things you offer.


An anchor tag has been placed just inside the figcaption called .card-figcaption-button.

The other important change when using this style is to use a span tag for any button desired as there is no need for it to be a second anchor.

Cards with footers

Example card image

Mailchimp Email Marketing

From $9.99 / month

Example card image

20% Off First Design Project

Custom Designs

Be seen by customers at the very moment that they are searching on Google for the things you offer.


Cards can also come with footers which are great for displaying actions. Actions should come in the form of primary buttons and you should mark these up with an additional CSS class of card-button.

It is suggested you only use 2 sizes of button, the default button size and button--small. N.B. buttons anything other than button--small will take full-width of the card.