Credit Card Payment

The standard Form pattern for when you'd like to take a user's credit card details.

Payment details

The credit card component relies on angular-credit-cards for ccNumber and ccCvc. The ccExpiry directive is a custom directive that formats/validates the expiration date in a MM / YY format. Also, the credit card type is not explicitly entered but deduced from the credit card number.

  • ccData: an object containing the credit card data bound to the directive
  • ccConfig: an object with the configuration for the credit-card directive
    • cardCode: boolean value indicating whether cvv is shown (default true)
    • cardCodeRequired: boolean value indicating whether the card code field is required. This only matters if cardCode is true. (default true)
    • fullName: boolean value indicating whether the full name field is required/shown (default true)
  • eagerType: an optional boolean value indicating whether eager type detection (infer and expose the credit card type before the full number is entered) is enabled. (default true)

The credit-card-types display in the example exists as a separate component, but will most likely be used alongside the credit-card component. The component displays the list of supported card types. Once a card type has been selected (or detected by the credit-card component), all the credit card types other than the selected one becomes greyed-out.

  • selectedType: string value indicating the card type: 'American Express', 'Diners Club', 'Discover', 'MasterCard', 'Visa'. Note that these values are the same as the ones that are detected by the credit-card directive.
  • supportedTypes: an array of a selection of supported credit card types. This has the same strings representing the card types: 'American Express', 'Diners Club', 'Discover', 'MasterCard', 'Visa'.