Data Tables

A data table is composed of at least two column headers row and at least one data row (and occasionally a column footer). It is used to organize large volumes of data.




The Data table uses a combination of the table component, pagination, and a filter to organise data and enable filtration and navigation of large datasets. It should be used in interactive tables with possibly large amounts of rows; like Orders or Products.



The Data table uses a combination of the table component, pagination, and a filter to organise data and enable filtration and navigation of large datasets. It should be used in interactive tables with possibly large amounts of rows; like Orders or Products.

Empty Treatment



When there isn’t any content to display in a table, an empty treatment should be used to provide users with contextual information. An Illustration is optional, and should be sized at a maximum height of 40px, or maximum width of 200px. The empty treatment may also have a maximum of one link or button. This should help the user to populate the data table, either through education (via a knowledgebase article), or direct action (Create a Product).



As an empty table has no content, the table doesn't require a thead. There is only one tr which contains one td, which is the .emptyTable component.

CSS Classes:

1. .emptyTable

  • The component's container class. Should be applied to the only td in the table.

2. .emptyTable-image

  • Applied to an optional illustration that may be used to enhance the message.
  • Maximum image width is 200px; Maximum image height is 40px.

3. .emptyTable-title and .emptyTable-description

  • The default classes for the title and description of the message, respectively. Styled to default text styles.
  • .emptyTable-title is expected to be a strong, .emptyTable-description is expected to be a p.

4. .emptyTable-action

  • The only action allowed for this message. Should aid user in populating table.
  • Expected to be applied to a.